Substance Use and Addiction Services

Low Barrier Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Utilizing evidence-based approaches, Lifeways SUD services work to address substance use concerns that are negatively impacting important areas of one’s life.

Lifeways Recovery Center (LRC)
Lifeways Recovery Center is a level 3.1, co-ed residential treatment program located in Ontario, Oregon. Our residential program provides a person-centered, individualized approach to substance use treatment. Most treatment stays are a minimum of 90 days and tailored to the individual's needs.

Anger Management Treatment
For those who are court ordered or self-identify with anger concerns they want addressed. Our 12-week anger management group treatment program provides education and skills to help successfully manage one’s anger.

DUII Treatment
Service type, frequency, and duration are individualized based on a diagnostic assessment using ASAM Criteria for level of care determination.

Gambling Treatment
Available to any Oregon resident with gambling disorder, problematic gambling, or a family member. Services include individual, couple, family, group, and peer support.

Domestic Violence Services
Our domestic violence program is for those referred by the criminal justice system and is in accordance with Oregon’s Batter’s Intervention Program 137-087-0000.

Prevention Services
Lifeways Prevention plays an active role in the community by providing accurate real-time information and training aimed at reducing substance use, harmful gambling behaviors, and suicide while promoting mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Harm Reduction Services
Harm reduction offers an evidence-based approach that emphasizes meeting the individual where they are at.

SUD Parenting Classes
For parents in recovery to gain skills needed to manage their familial relationships (children) now that they are 'clean & sober.'

Victim Impact Panel (VIP)
For those participating in DUII treatment; this class is held quarterly. This presentation provides an educational experience for offenders of being under the influence of alcohol or substances while operating a motor vehicle.

Supported Employment
Supported Employment is an evidence-based practice that follows tried principles of employment which are successful in helping clients find and maintain gainful, competitive employment.

Certified Recovery Mentors (CRM)
Certified Recovery Mentors are those who have lived experience. They help people to navigate health services, the criminal justice system, employment services, and access treatment services.

Recovery Housing
For those who have either completed residential treatment and are ready for a step-down in treatment or for those who continue to struggle with substance use and need additional support through a safe and sober living environment.